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The Yellow Emperor's Four Canons, 19: Three Prohibitions(黄帝四经19: 三禁) 
作者:[Anonymous Author] 来源:[] 2008-05-06
摘要:Inconsistency in conduct is prohibited by Heaven; Meddling with farming activities is prohibited by the Earth; Breaking rules is prohibited by the sovereign.

(Translated by Sherwin Lu)

    Inconsistency in conduct is prohibited by Heaven;

    Meddling with farming activities is prohibited by the Earth;

    Breaking rules is prohibited by the sovereign.

    If all three are prevented, the country is almost in perfect order.

    As prohibited by the way of the Earth, the ruler should not arbitrarily level down hills or fill up low-lying areas, blocking rivers or damaging soil structure, or disrupt regular farming activities to make way for large-scale palace construction, etc..

    Being aggressive without self-restraint, or having one’s own way without consideration for others, or acting on impulse without reflecting on the consequences – all are menacing vices. In handling human relationships, firmness and flexibility should complement each other. Neither one would accomplish anything long-lasting without the other. Tigerish fierceness will turn against itself while weakness of will spells self-defeat. Imposing old ways on new reality will lead to a dead end; and encroaching on others’ domain to expand one’s own sphere, to self-destruction.

    The way of Heaven is functioning all the time; it is eternal. It spreads all over the earth, reaching all lands and seas. Therefore, rulers should be prudent when making laws: people will see the motives behind them and judge them by the eternal law of Heaven. Whoever runs counter to it will harm himself and have only himself to blame. For this is how the Heavenly way works.

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